Full Moon of March 28, 2021 12h00 Guadeloupe time
Forgiveness Ceremony between the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine
Return to Balance
First of all, thank you for participating in this ceremony.
I admit that when I channeled this message it was wow… Then I had a huge moment of doubt, I thought to myself, “this is it you’re crazy!” Then I know how it goes, you always have a flow of negative energy that comes to try to dissuade you when you receive an assignment, I picked myself up and I’m sharing it with you because it can also go through you.
This ceremony will bring down a powerful message from the invisible to the visible, and will send back into the human energetic lattice the energy that we will channel. We will be several couples from Guadeloupe and elsewhere. I thank all those who have decided to participate. You understand the importance of this ceremony which could seem banal or flowery. We close the two eras of domination of the two parties for a return to balance, this return can only be done by healing the wounds of both parties.
Summary of the astrological cosmic context.
The Full Moon of March 28 in Libra. Libra is the sign that manages relationships. In this Full Moon the natal chart shows :
Venus, Sun and Chiron in conjunction in Aries, a conjunction Mercury, Neptune in Pisces, a conjunction Uranus Taurus.
First information: it is a moon that is preparing for a new beginning.
What is going to happen is completely beyond our intellect, it is a powerful event on the subtle level. The Mercury Neptune conjunction in Pisces can create confusion in the physical sphere, while in the subtle, it breathes a love that comes from the divine planes. This work in the invisible will open up paths that were not perceived before. This conjunction of Venus, Sun and Chiron will give much light. Chiron is the mythical healer, he received a divine wound and cannot heal himself, so he brings us back to the wounds we have with the divine world. Venus brings its immaculate freshness to the very powerful Sun, for the emergence of a new life, of a surge of pure love, for beauty, love must take its place and become a powerful force that cannot be ignored. Chiron tells us to follow this divine love. To follow Love is to follow the subtle world and to follow the world of the soul and this event allows us to reconnect with all the forces of our soul. This force of eternal Love heals the wound of Chiron who had lost faith in Love.
Finally, the conjunction of Uranus in Taurus demands change and destroys the belief that the pure and powerful love of Aries does not exist. Aries love is the equivalent of the first, most powerful, adolescent love. Aquarius commands these great changes.
Thus this ritual of Forgiveness is a powerful energetic ritual that will heal the wounds of the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine.
For this ceremony
You must:
Dress code : red and white.
Myrrh and frankincense
Three candles to light in a triangle and stand in the triangle
Women : a bouquet of white flowers in odd number
Men : a bouquet of red flowers in even number
Phase : 1 Light the incense and light the three candles in a triangle and stand in the triangle.
Phase 2 : Put his ear on the heart of the other, listen to his heart.
Phase 3 : Take your bouquet of flowers in your hands and say your text
Ceremony Text:
When I see you with the eyes of my soul, I really see you.
If at times I put on my human eyes, I beg your pardon, it was not to judge you, nor to hurt you.
I saw you then with eyes that were dimmed and blurred by my own human limitations and sufferings.
When I see you with the eyes of my soul, I see you in truth and I see US too.
I see us with all this potential of infinite love, this place that knows no limits, neither of time nor of space.
This dimension where we touch paradise and where the shadow and human suffering have no hold.
This space where our armor melts like ice in the sun and our wounds are healed forever.
That place where all our plans and dreams are allowed and embraced.
When I see you with the eyes of my soul, I truly see us; perfect, complete, happy and eternal!
When I see you with my soul’s eyes, I see US!
In the name of the Sacred Masculine, I ask you to forgive me for all the evil, all the offenses that I and my peers have committed in the name of the Sacred Masculine Woman forgive me.
Give the bouquet of red flowers and say Heaven asks forgiveness to Mother Earth.
When I see you with the eyes of my soul, I really see you.
If at times I put on my human eyes, I beg your pardon, it was not to judge you, nor to hurt you.
I saw you then with eyes that were dimmed and blurred by my own human limitations and sufferings.
When I see you with the eyes of my soul, I see you in truth and I see US too.
I see us with all this potential of infinite love, this place that knows no limits, neither of time nor of space.
This dimension where we touch paradise and where the shadow and human suffering have no hold.
This space where our armor melts like ice in the sun and our wounds are healed forever.
That place where all our plans and dreams are allowed and embraced.
When I see you with the eyes of my soul, I truly see us; perfect, complete, happy and eternal!
When I see you with my soul’s eyes, I see US!
In the name of the Sacred Feminine, I ask you to forgive me for all the evil, all the offenses that I and my peers have committed in the name of the Sacred Feminine Man forgive me.
Give the bouquet of white flowers and say Mother Earth asks forgiveness to Heaven.
Together say:
To the 4 corners of the Sun Moon Universe carry our message –
Hugging each other